Member- Kathy Boyer, since 5/201

In accordance with the regulations of the organization, the Trustees established a standing Executive Committee for the purpose of providing strategic oversight to the organization. All members of the Committee have equal voting rights on matters related to the operation of the organization.

Acting on behalf of the organization, the Committee is charged with overseeing all programs and services offered by the organization. The Committee  also:

  •  provides policy guidance and consultation for the organization in setting priorities for programs and services;
  • establishes policies and guidelines within which the organization is authorized to enter collaborative arrangements with other organizations and providers of services;
  • evaluates the organization in matters relating to achieving its mission and the effectiveness of its programs;
  • supervises and controls the property and affairs of the organization;
  • authorizes all orders for the payment of expenses on behalf of the organization;
  • designates standing committees and temporary committees as deemed necessary for the efficient conduct of the business of the organization; and
  • establishes memorandums of understanding between the organization and its subsidiaries.

The Committee minimally consists of a Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Committee may also include others whose experience and qualifications assist the Committee in the performance of their responsibilities. All members of the Committee are considered volunteers and no member is paid for their service.

  • Chair– Presides at all meetings.
  • Secretary– Maintains the minutes of all meetings.
  • Treasurer– Maintains regular books of account and renders to the Committee, from time to time as may be required, an account of the financial condition of the organization.

The procedure for all meetings of the organization is conducted in accordance with the Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure and the general laws of the Commonwealth, as amended.

Committee Members (as of January 1, 2022):

  1. Chair- Bryan Haughey, since 11/2017
  2. Secretary- Sarah Zafiris, since 11/2017
  3. Treasurer- Bettina Schmidt, since 8/2019
  4. Member- Gracellen Riel, since 1/2019
  5. Member- Pam Sweny, since 5/2019
  6. Member- Kathy Boyer, since 5/2019